1Your Progress
AAA communication access signs are customised to each individual venue or space so that the words used are relevant.

The symbols on the sign represent two main categories of words: core words and fringe words.

Core words, or, everyday words are used in everyday talking. These words can be used to help share lots of different messages.

AAA will suggest appropriate core words for your sign.

Fringe words, or, activity words relate specifically to a space and type of activity that may take place.

This form will be utilised to choose your preferred fringe words.

By using both types of words on the Word Lane sign, people can communicate what they want to do, describe their activity, ask questions or request help.

These signs also feature symbols that represent feelings. This enables people to share comments, emotions and needs.

Again, AAA will suggest appropriate symbols that represent feelings for your sign.
With our bespoken online platform, we will guide and assist you to make a Word Lane communication access sign.

As you progress throughout this form, you will be required to select suitable fringe word symbols from our library suite.

If we do not have suitable symbols in our library suite, you will also have opportunity to order up to 10 customised fringe word symbols as per scope of work.