Ineffective communication access can be both frustrating and isolating. We know this because we’ve experienced it first-hand.
Neurological impairments, hard of hearing, Autism Spectrum Disorder, intellectual disability, Down Syndrome, selective mutism, slurred speech, stuttering, inability to find the chosen words or difficulty in comprehending information and instructions. These are just some of the challenge’s individuals are dealing with.
But here’s the thing… communication barriers CAN be broken down and people CAN be upskilled to provide effective, efficient and responsive customer service delivery.
Best practice communication access makes living an inclusive life feel easier and effortless.
Being able to share wants and needs makes days brighter and filled with purpose.
It even changes the way organisations value inclusive cultures for both staff and visitors.
Being able to build and maintain relationships with friends, family and the broader community, interact with others, participate in everyday activities, present or resolve problems and help others lead active lives is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself, your workplace and the wider community.
Which is why we would love for you to join us in our all-new online AAA Communication Access and Awareness Training.
Our step by step, completely online training, is designed and created from the ground up, to show your inclusive-conscious self, exactly how to increase your understanding and awareness of communication challenges and therefore better support community.
Whether you are a front-line customer service officer, a team leader, a supervisor/manager, a disability service provider, support worker or an educator our training will suit you.
Regardless of your experience…with the help of our training, what we know is that anyone can increase their understanding of communication challenges and can develop skills in effective communication practices and tools.
Without proper guidance or the right knowledge, creating an inclusive attitude and culture that provides every member of community equal opportunity for participation can actually be stressful, overwhelming… and in the end… not even purposeful.
AAA Communication Access and Awareness Training removes all of those roadblocks and allows you to create an abundance of skills and strategies so you can help others to build connections and improve their quality of life.
How is AAA’S Communication Access and Awareness Training delivered?
AAA’S Communication Access and Awareness Training is a completely online video training program – meaning you can access everything in this program from anywhere around the world and the outcome can be life changing.
All course materials are beautifully designed to be easily understood, accessed and shared.
AAA’S Communication Access and Awareness Training does not require a large commitment of time. One hour only is needed. Training will take you through six sections including four core pillars built around communication that responds positively to individual differences including servicing people’s needs with respect, courtesy and sensitivity along with the use of effective listening and speaking skills and how to use communication to develop and maintain positive relationships of mutual trust and confidence.
Each of these pillars have been broken up into sections and each section contains a series of easy to follow, step by step video lessons that include interactive activities, resources, and quizzes.
AAA’S Communication Access and Awareness Training does not include ‘homework’, ‘assignments’ or ‘workbooks’ for you to fill out – instead – we simply give you all the tools, knowledge and resources you need for success, allowing you to create a super inclusive and communication accessible attitude and culture that will allow you to build connections.
Each section compliments the next and lays out the information in a clear, concise, easy to digest way, taking you through exactly what you need to know to get you growing and experiencing the benefits of excellent communication access.
Here’s an overview of each of the six sections that make up the core of the course:
Our introduction is all about getting those crucial fundamentals and foundations put in place so you have a better understanding as to why you are embarking on this training.
Once you’ve completed the introduction, you’ll be able to understand the elements and performance criteria of this training, you will have received an overview of Access Ability Australia and our priorities to build a more inclusive society as well as engaged in an interactive warm up activity that will help you to understand the daily struggles that people with a communication challenge may experience within community.
Section 1
In section one you’ll learn exactly how and why communication is a two-way process and a shared responsibility.
You will gain a clearer understanding of communication and its purpose, learn different ways to communicate, understand why effective communication is important, discover some unbelievable statistics, understand communication challenges and causes in more detail and receive an overview of sensory processing disorder and its ability to impact effective communication.
You will have the opportunity to take part in an immersive experience to help you walk in the footsteps of another with a communication challenge.
There will also be a quick quiz at the end of this section to help you consolidate your learning along with a flyer for download.
Section 2
In section 2, we focus on the impacts of communication challenges and different communication elements.
Learners will understand how communication challenges have a broad impact on every aspect of life and discover that a communication challenge is not an indicator of one’s capacity nor desire to communicate.
You will have opportunity to partake in a challenging listening activity that will equip you with new skills and knowledge to eliminate communication barriers.
There will also be a quick quiz at the end of this section to help you consolidate your learning along with a flyer for download.
Section 3
Section 3 is where we will show you exactly how learning becomes action.
Packed with a range of strategies, you will discover how communication comes in all shapes and sizes.
You will learn some valuable information and tips on how to best support over 4 million Australians that have a hearing loss along with a bank of resources and strategies for this community. You will also be the beneficiary viewer of a video that demonstrates lived experience of these challenges.
We will share with you many new and creative ways to become more accessible and support your organisation to service the needs of the wider community with communication challenges including introducing you to some useful apps, services and communication aids including AAA visual communication boards and how to best implement these.
We will share with you some real-life community video experiences that demonstrate how to introduce a communication board as a tool for reciprocal use and how to keep the conversation positive through tone of voice and welcoming facial expressions as well as body language.
This section also includes an introduction to sign language and provides with opportunity to learn some basic sign language skills.
And of course, to complete this section, there will also be a quick quiz to help you consolidate your learning along with a flyer for download.
Section 4
Section 4 explores communication access best- practice initiatives and discusses access audits.
We will help you plan more communication accessible meetings and conferences and teach you how we can all advocate for better communication access.
We will provide you with tips and strategies to bridge the environment and reduce the barriers for event attendees.
You will be able to download a flyer as a permanent reminder on how you can ensure all events are inclusive and accessible.
Training conclusion will provide you with opportunity to meet the two company directors and to be personally congratulated on your commitment toward making community more inclusive.
You will also have opportunity to run through a learner’s reflective checklist and be invited to meet the partnering organisations that contributed to AAA’s Communication Access and Awareness Training.
If you are attending our face-to-face delivery sessions, you will also have an opportunity to evaluate new learnings in an in-class practice session.
AAA’s Communication Access and Awareness Online Training will be available in December 2020.
Training options can also be made available to suit your needs.
To learn more, visit our Communication Access website page. Click here.